Kentucky Connection
The Kentucky Connection (Leg #2 of the LOT) is a 172 mile road path that travels from Louisville through Frankfort, Kentucky's Capital, and Lexington to just north of Morehead. It connects the southern terminus of the Hoosier Trail (Leg #1 of the LOT) to the northern terminus of the Sheltowee Trace (Leg #3 of the LOT).
It is designed to show you the culture of Kentucky before you get to the Sheltowee Trace where you will find yourself in the wilderness of Kentucky. This path uses sidewalks to go through the towns and public back country roads through horse farms and pastures.
The Thru-Hiker's Manual for the Kentucky Connection hikers to use on their journey across Kentucky or those who are attempting to hike the Lakes-to-Ocean Trail.
The KC Manual is written for eastbound and westbound
$15.00 plus $5.00 shipping
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Scot Ward
563 St. Anthony Drive
Lexington, KY 40505